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Clinic «Zoodohos Pigi»

Zoodohos Pigi is a recently renovated private clinic, located in the city center of Chios island at number 10 Evaggelistrias street..

The company V. Misailidou & SIA O.E., which was founded by Michael Misailidis, owens and runs the clinic since 2014, offering high quality medical services and hospitalization services to all citizens regardless of socioeconomic background. The medical staff and the nursing team are working together to offer the best possible services to the patients.

The clinic is contracted with EOPYY giving all citizens the opportunity to use its services at a minimal cost. The clinic is a member of the Greek Private Clinics Association.

It’s has 30 beds for inpatient. It has a Pathologicy department, an Ophthalmology department, a Surgical department, and a Radiology department. More



Clinic ambulance

The clinic has ambulances staffed with professional rescuers, fully equipped and certified by the EKAV. The ambulances operate for the needs of the clinic's patients, but also cover the transport of patients, who are not hospitalized in our clinic.

Our clinic also offers medical and nursing services and ambulance services to cover events (concerts, sports matches, etc.).

Doctors-Scientific disrestors & Clinic departments

Scientific disrestors

Misailidis Nikos Administrative director - Gastrederologist

Damalas Aris Internist

Saris George Internist

Georgantis George Surgeon

Kastis Ioannis Opthalmologist

Flamourakis George Radiologist

Scientific Associates

Paparidis Anastasios Anesthesiologist

Topaka Ifigenia Pulmonologist

Fillas Helias Internist

Karamouzos Manolis Neurologist

Veioglanis Stilianos Cardiologist

Vakalopoulos Pavlos Vascular surgeon

Kirlagkitsis Ioannis Gastrenterologist

Chaziris George Microbiologist

Kosmidis Ioannis Opthalmologist

Tsakonis George Plastic Surgeons

Evagelinou Ploumi Microbiologist

Pirgeli Maria Medicine & Riabilitation

Latousakis Alessander Opthalmologist

Neamonitou Gina Opthalmologist

Stoupaki Maria Opthalmologist

Pagonis Nikos Opthalmologist

Gkialas Ioannis Urology surgeon

Kavoyras Adamantios Urology surgeon


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